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Are PVC suits elastic?

What is the elasticity of PVC Catsuits? Will it be tailored to my figure?

PVC is a material composed of two layers. The bottom layer is always made of white medium-heavy Lycra and ensures tensile strength. 
The outer thin layer of PVC is inextricably linked with the bottom layer and gives the suit a wonderfully clean and brightly polished impression. 
We offer about 8 color shades.
PVC is often considered a gateway to the world of Latex. It has its advantages especially in the speed of dressing, easy maintenance
and storage, high gloss without the use of polishes and is cheaper than Latex.
It follows from the above specification that the material is only slightly elastic. Excessive to extreme stretching can cause permanent 
damage to the outer glossy layer.
In general, PVC clothing is not sewn perfectly to the body, but slightly looser. 

Mirek, zentai.cz 

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